3 Write sentences about these situations using the third conditional.
1 You didn't laugh at your friend's joke because he forgot the punch line.
If my friend...........the punch line, I.............
2 You know your favourite sitcom was on so you didn't watch it. If I..............my favourite sitcom was on, I......................it.
3 We knew the film was funny because we had seen it.
If we.....................the film, we................it was funny.
4 You got into trouble at school because you laughed in class.
If I.......................in class, I....................into trouble at school.


Ответ дал: zAgera


1. Hadn't forgotten; would have laughed.

2. Had known; would have watched.

3. Hadn't seen; wouldn't have known.

4. Hadn't laughed; wouldn't have got.


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