Помогите пожалуйста очень прошу Вас, очень срочно надо!!!



Ответ дал: kazekaze
1. I’m into football, basketball, and swimming.
2.Tom is got a new computer. It's fantastic!
4. Amy's family is English, French, and Italian.
3. Have you got three cousins? No, I’ve got two.
5. Are you into rap music? I think it's great.
6 They've got long dark hair
2. She is fifteen years old. She is into sports art and science. Her mum is my dad's sister. Sally has got a brother. His name is John and he is fourteen. Have you got cousins? Who is your favorite?
3. 1. Films. 2. British 3. Short 4. Friendly 5. Music. 6. Nice
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