Грамматика по английскому
I _______ (to wash) dishes yesterday while she ________ (to dry) them. 2. Alexander Bell _______ (to invent) the telephone in 1876. 3. She ________ (to play) tennis twice a week. 4. When Simon _______ (to come) to the cinema yesterday, dozens of people ________ (to queue) outside. 5. He _______ (to hang up) his coat when he heard a strange noise. 6-7. A: ________ (you already/ to invite) all of your friends to the wedding? B: Yes, I _________ (to write) the invitations all day yesterday. 8-9. A: I ________ (not / to hear) from Tom for over three months. B: Oh, I _________ (not / to speak) to him since he graduated last year. 10. Rachel is in New York right now. She ________. (to stay) at the Park Hotel. She always ________ (to stay) there when she's in New York.


Ответ дал: nunny

I  (washed) dishes yesterday while she (was drying) them.

2. Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

3. She  (plays) tennis twice a week.

4. When Simon (came) to the cinema yesterday, dozens of people  (were queuing) outside.

5. He  (was hanging up) his coat when he heard a strange noise.

6-7. A:  (Have you already invited) all of your friends to the wedding?

B: Yes, I (wrote) the invitations all day yesterday.

8-9. A: I (have not heard) from Tom for over three months.

B: Oh, I (have not spoken) to him since he graduated last year.

10. Rachel is in New York right now. She  is staying at the Park Hotel. She always stays there when she's in New York.

Ответ дал: KathyGFD

1. I WAS WASHING dishes yesterday while she WAS DRYING them. 2. Alexander Bell INVENTED the telephone in 1876. 3. She PLAYS tennis twice a week. 4. When Simon CAME to the cinema yesterday, dozens of people WERE QUEUING outside. 5. He WAS HANGING UP his coat when he heard a strange noise. 6-7. A: HAVE YOU ALREADY INVITED all of your friends to the wedding? ///HAVE YOU INVITED all of your friends to the wedding YET? B: Yes, I WAS WRITING the invitations all day yesterday. 8-9. A: I HAVEN'T HEARD from Tom for over three months. B: Oh, I HAVEN'T SPOKEN to him since he graduated last year. 10. Rachel is in New York right now. She IS STAYING at the Park Hotel. She always STAYS there when she's in New York.


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2 варианта, с разницей смысла и конструкциями:

Have you ALREADY done it? = разве вы уже сделали...

Have you done it YET? = вы уже сделали...

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