Match the two halves of the sentences.   Check  Back If a person works hard, If a person eats healthy food, If a person is honest and can listen, he/she has no problems with health. he/she becomes a good friend. he/she becomes successful.


Ответ дал: uzih85668gmailcom


If a person works hard - he she becomes successful

If a person eats healthy food - he she has no problems with health .

If a person is honest and can listen - she becomes a good friend .



botagozsabieva38: Спс большое
uzih85668gmailcom: :)
kulbibiabdrasimova: спасибооооооооооо:)
zenadobrovecnaa: правильно?
nurbek11mkr: спс
zarina1902: спасибо)))
adelasakenkyzy081: Спс
malika760: спс
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