::Вопрос 31::____I help you with the washing up?
a) Will
b) Shall
c) Am
d) Do
e) Was

::Вопрос 32::Are you interested ____football?
a) in
b) to
c) at
d) of
e) for

::Вопрос 33::Emma ______ to get fit for the athletics competition next month.
a) trying
b) tries
c) is tried
d) is trying
e) tries is

::Вопрос 34::We’re looking forward ________ see you both next week.
a) for
b) on
c) to
d) of
e) with

::Вопрос 35::Are you thinking ________ going to the cinema this weekend?
a) for
b) on
c) to
d) of
e) with

::Вопрос 36::Sydney is famous ________ its opera house.
a) for
b) on
c) to
d) of
e) with

::Вопрос 37::I’m very pleased ________ my new shoes – they were in the sale.
a) for
b) on
c) to
d) of
e) with

::Вопрос 38::London is ______ than Boston.
a) noisiest
b) noisy
c) noisier
d) more noisy
e) most noisy

::Вопрос 39::Paris is the _____ city I’ve ever seen.
a) beautiful
b) more beautiful
c) most beautiful
d) beautifuler
e) beautifulest

::Вопрос 40::My brother _____ a uniform at his school.
a) wear
b) wears
c) don’t wear
d) is wears
e) wear is not


Ответ дал: farkhodtakhminka


1) will

2) in

3) tries

4) to

5) of

6 for

7 of

8 more noisy

9 most beautiful

10 wears

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