1)rest 2)Saturday and Sunday 3)seven days

Let`s....a picnic at the weekend 
1)make 2)arrange 3)play 4)stay 
The students will.... with British familes 
1)propose 2)visit 3)miss 4)stay 
I`d like to invite a....of students to visit us
1)invitatoin 2)progrmme 3)partner 4)group 
My sister... for the educational and social programme 
1)starterd 2)went out 3)was responsible 4)arranged
Our....footbal team went abroad last week 
1)local 2)foreign 3)responsible 4)social 
Barbara Grey will be responsible fo the social programme....
1)won`t they? 2)will she? 3)won`t  she?
Your grandfather doesn`t play sports any more,?
1)doesn`t he? 2)does he? 3)isn`t he ?
Joan`s elder brother didh`t go out with his foreign visitors yesterday..
1)was he? 2)did he? 3)didn`t he?
Yesterday Andrew and his friends...to the cinema 
1)go 2)went 3)will go 
We...to have a picnic next weekend 
1)will go 2_are going 3)go
She usually...with her friends during her visit to London
1)say 2)stays 3)will stay

EvelinaKotova11: Решите пожалуйстаа))


Ответ дал: AngelinaAnderson
1. 2
2. 1
3. 4
4. 4
5. 4
6. 3
7. 3
8. 2
9. 2
10. 2
11. 2

EvelinaKotova11: я ничего не поняла обьясни нормальна
AngelinaAnderson: каждое предложение, где что-то нужно было вставить, я пронумеровала - от 1 до 11.
Вас заинтересует