I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Запишите только ответ.(помгите плз даю 25 баллов)

1) I’m watching TV at the moment / every day.
2) I watch a film at the cinema now / twice a week.
3) My sister plays basketball now / every week.
4) His brother is playing football once a week / at the moment.
5) My mum’s cooking dinner at the moment / every day.
6) My dad cooks dinner on Sundays / now.
7) I every day / never go to the zoo.
8) I am / are studying Geography.
9) We are / is watching my new DVD.
10) My dad aren’t / isn’t working at the moment.
11) She is / isn’t eating her dinner. She doesn’t like fish.
12) They are / aren’t taking photos today. They haven’t got their camera.
13) You are / is reading my book.

II. Закончите предложения, используя глаголы в таблице. Поставьте глагол в Present Continuous. (am / is / are + Ving)

do sing speak tidy walk

1) You … your room.
2) I … French.
3) He …. my favourite song.
4) Paul and Tom … to school.
5) My sister and I … our Maths homework.

III. Поставьте глагол в подходящее по смыслу время Present Simple или Present Continuous. Запишите только вариант ответа.

1) I … television every day. (watch)
2) Hilary … television at the moment. (watch)
3) My sister usually … tennis after school. (play)
4) Look! They … football. (play)
5) Mum … dinner - it smells good! (cook)
6) Dad … dinner at the weekend. (cook)
7) Gary is busy - he … . (study)
8) We … French and English at my school. (study)
9) I … in New York at the moment. (live)
10) … she … computer games every day? (play)
11) They … to the sports centre three times a week. (not go)
12) … you … computer today? (use)
13) He always … lunch at one o’clock. (have)
14) Oh no! We … the match now. (not win)
15) Rachel never … her homework. (do)


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) at the moment

2) twice a week

3) every week.

4) at the moment

5) at the moment  

6) on Sundays

7) never

8) am

9) are

10)  isn’t

11) isn’t  

12) aren’t

13) are


1) You are tidying your room.

2) I am speaking French.

3) He is singing my favourite song.

4) Paul and Tom are walking to school.

5) My sister and I are doing our Maths homework.


1) watch

2) is watching

3) plays

4) are playing

5) is cooking

6) cooks

7) is studying

8) study

9) am living

10) does she play

11) don't go

12) Are you using

13) has

14) aren't winning

15) does

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