Эссе по Английскому на тему:

сколько мусора проиводим и как его уменьшить??

Минимум 150 слов , не с интернета !!! По плану:



Ответ дал: 6duxgwxbek
Waste has become one of the most important environmental problems today. Taking out the trash from the house, we rarely think about what happens to it next. And here's what happens: in Russia, household waste is mainly taken out to landfills or simply dumps. According to statistics, each of us sends about 400 kg of garbage to the landfill per year. Landfills are ineffective in dealing with an ever-increasing volume of waste, in addition, by emitting harmful substances, they cause considerable harm to the environment and human health.
By learning how to properly handle household waste and avoiding the thoughtless consumption of natural resources, each of us can at least slightly improve the environment.
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