!!!Пожалуйста помогите!!!
Надо составить 10 утвердительных предложений в каждом из неопределенного времени и образовать от них отрицательный и вопросительную формы по английскому языку. Помогите пожалуйста!!!​


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

A: Present Simple:

1  Sally usually drives to work.

Does she usually walk to work?

She doesn't usually walk to work.

2 Mrs. Green loves gardening.

Does Mrs. Green love shopping?

Mrs. Green doesn't love shopping.

3 They do their homework in the afternoon.

Do they do their homework in the evening?

They don't do their homework in the evening.

4 Professor Black teaches Geography.

Does he teach Chemistry?

He doesn't teach Chemistry.


B: Past Simple

5 They moved to the UK last summer.

Did they move to the USA last summer?

They didn't move to the USA last summer.

6 She found a small puppy near her house last week.

Did she find a small kitten near her house last week?

She didn't find a small kitten near her house last week.

7 William Shakespeare wrote amazing comedies.

Did William Shakespeare write boring comedies?

William Shakespeare didn't write boring comedies.


C: Future Simple

8 They will go to the countryside next month.

Will they go on an excursion next month?

They won't go // will not go on an excursion next month.

9 Susan will buy a house next year.

Will Susan buy two houses next year?

She won't buy // will not buy two houses next year.

10 Professor White will make a speech at the reception next week..

Will Professor Brown make a speech at the reception next week?

Professor Brown won't make a speech // will not make a speech at the reception next week.

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annashevchenko798: Спасибо тебе @Katego2009
annashevchenko798: В чем помочь тебе??
KathyGFD: Спасибо, ничего не надо. Удачи!
annashevchenko798: Спасибо, тебе тоже
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