Помогите пожалуйста. Надо переделать предложения на английском в косвенную речь.
1) Clair said: “Sue has been my best friend since childhood”.
2) My friend said: “I watch a lot of soap operas.”
3) Helen said: “The kids are riding their bikes.”
4) They said : “We don’t go to this shop very often.”
5) Mary said: «I drew this picture for my mom.»
6) Ben said: «We have left our tickets at home.»

gfurer: Максим! Какого хера тебе ответили а мне нет
gfurer: К тому же ты даёшь 15 баллов а я 80 :)


Ответ дал: topcat666228p8gpq4

1) Clair said that Sue had been her best friend since childhood

2) My friend said that he watched a lot of soap operas

3) Helen said that the kids were riding her bikes

4) They said that they didn't go to this shop very often

5) Mary said that she had drawn this picture for her mom

6) Ben said that they had left their tickets at home

gfurer: Ну да Максим
gfurer: Такой лакич
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