Полдежащее+ would +V1 +второс. члены If+ подлеж.+ V2/ed + второс. члены
1) Everybody ___________ (run) away if a lion ___________ (escape) from the zoo.
escaped ran would escape would run
2) If he ___________ (be) taller, he ___________ ___________ (become) a basketball player.
become were would become became
3) Jake ___________ (go) for a swim if he ___________ (have) time.
would go would have went had
4) If I ___________ (not pass) my exams, it ___________ (be) a pity.
didn’t pass wouldn’t pass were would be
5) If I ___________ (be) you, I ___________ (buy) the blue T-shirt.
were would be would buy bought
6) I ___________ (be) frightened If I ___________ (see) a bull in the street.
would see would be were saw
7) If you ___________ (not live) so far away, we ___________ (see) you more often.
didn't live saw would see wouldn’t live
8) It ______________ (taste) better if it _______________ (not be) so salty.
9) If Peter _____________ (have) a dog, he _____________ (take) it for a walk every day.
10) If they _______________ (stop) the war, innocent people _______________ (not die).
11) I ______________ (be) sad if you _______________ (not come) to my party.
12) Sarah ______________ (look) like a pop star if she _______________ (have) long hair.
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Ответ дал: topcat666228p8gpq4

1) would run, escaped

2) was, would become

3) would go, had

4) didn't pass, would be

5) were, would buy

6) would be, saw

7) didn't live, would see

8) would taste, wasn't

9) had, would take

10) stopped, wouldn't die

11) would be, didn't come

12) would look, had

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