Task 1. Read Jenny’s letter and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box
as in the example:
Прочитай письмо Дженни и вставь подходящие по смыслу слова из
sitting enjoying asking giving singing
A letter to a friend
Dear Harry,
Hi! It's now 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm 0) sitting in the living room writing
this letter. It's a lovely day outside. The weather is great. The sun’s shining and
the birds are 1) ________. My dog, Paddles, is sitting beside me and 2) ________
at me with her big brown eyes. The eyes are 3) ________ me for some food. But
I'm not 4) _______ her anything because she's getting fat. I'm learning Spanish
now at evening college. My Spanish is improving slowly. I like my teacher. She's
doing an excellent job. I'm really 5) _______ my class.
I hope you are well and happy and that your family is also well. Please write to
me soon.
Bye for now,
0 1 2 3 4

arsenholdarov4: По это Сор
arsenholdarov4: По
arsenholdarov4: Пожалуйста


Ответ дал: hannadrahun



1 singing 2 looking 3 asking 4 giving 5 enjoying

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