Put the verbs in the right verb-form
1. Nobody (can) explain why David (to fly) to Paris without his
2. He told us that he (to invite) Mary to our party if he (to see)
3. It (to rain) since I (to get up) in the morning.
4. When we (to enter) the room he (to read) a letter.
5. There (to be) no doubt that he (to know) the truth.
6. Marry (to arrive) from Rome three days ago, and (to leave)
for Paris it once.
7.1 (to see the signal, so I (to stop).
8. We (to go) to the country as soon as it (to stop) snowing.
9. We (to find out) that somebody (to break into) our house.
10. What he (to do) when you (to call on) him.​


Ответ дал: LeoGreen2020

1 could, had flown // can, has flown

2 would invite, saw

3 has been raining, got up

4 entered, was reading

5 is, knows // was, knew

6 arrived, left

7 saw, stopped

8 will go, stops

9 found out, had broken into

10 was he doing, called on

melqonyanqnarik2004: Спасибо большое❤
LeoGreen2020: Не за что
LeoGreen2020: Во 2 не допечатал, момент!
LeoGreen2020: Ok.
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