5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple
or present continuous.
(wake up)
1 Jim usually
late on Sundays.
2 1...........
tennis at the moment.
3 Sheila .........
to music in her free time.
4 The sun usually ......
in the summer.
5 We
a snowman at the moment.
6 The children ......
7 She .......
on a picnic every Sunday.
8 Bill .......
a shower at the moment.
9 They ........
the Christmas tree now.
10 Joy ........
TV every afternoon.
11 They ......
at the moment

помогите пожалуйста!!!!!​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 Jim usually wakes up late on Sundays.

2 I'm playing tennis at the moment.

3 Sheila listens to music in her free time.

4 The sun usually shines in the summer.

5 We are making a snowman at the moment.

6 The children are swimming now.

7 She goes on a picnic every Sunday.

8 Bill is having a shower at the moment.

9 They are decorating the Christmas tree now.

10 Joy watches TV every afternoon.

11 They are sleeping at the moment.

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