Order the words to make sentences.
1 the match / hasn't / still / started
2 we/ have / already / this game / played
3 just / Berik / the gym / to / gone / has
4 bought / Dana / yet / has / a new bike /?
5 have / already / had / a break / they
6 learned / still / to swim / hasn't / Gani
7 yet /l/ booked / for the match / haven't/
tickets. ​


Ответ дал: Sineyenebo

1. The match still hasn't started.

2. We have already played this game.

3. Berlin has just gone to the gym.

4. Has Dana bought a new bike yet?

5. They have already had a break.

6.Gani still hasn't learned to swim.

7. I haven't booked tickets for the match yet.

ayanat0610: Ну
ayanat0610: Пацаны тип вхах
hhyuga448: ахахах
hhyuga448: пиши просто "люди"
hhyuga448: тут не только мальчики сидят
ayanat0610: Человекии(рофл)
ayanat0610: Да я знаю просто нрав называть всех так вхаха
hhyuga448: ахахах
Sineyenebo: Детишки, найдите другое место для общения, мне все время уведомления приходят из-за ваших комментариев)
Аноним: я задала этот вопрос и на него ответили месяц спустя чёртов брайнли
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