Choose the correct verb.

1. Visitors must / may / can carry their passport at all times while travelling.

2. If you lose your passport, you can / may / can't apply for a visa.

3. Passengers should / mustn't / don't have to smoke anywhere on the


4. Monday is a public holiday. I mustn't / don't have to / can't work.

5. You can / must / might shake hands during introduction to a business


6. You can't / mustn't smoke in public places.

7. I think you should / must / may learn how to negotiate in Chinese, It

would be a good skill if you had time to learn it.

8. Should / could / might you type this paper for me, please?

9. Will you speak louder, please? I don't have to / shouldn't / can't hear you. 10. John, take your umbrella. It has to / may / ought to rain tonight.
Срочно надо пожалуйста!! ​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. Visitors must carry their passport at all times while travelling.

2. If you lose your passport, you can't apply for a visa.

3. Passengers mustn't smoke anywhere on the aircraft.

4. Monday is a public holiday. I don't have to work.

5. You can shake hands during introduction to a business meeting.

6. You mustn't smoke in public places.

7. I think you should learn how to negotiate in Chinese. It would be a good skill if you had time to learn it.

8. Could you type this paper for me, please?

9. Will you speak louder, please? I can't hear you.

10. John, take your umbrella. It may rain tonight.

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