Put the verbs into the correct past tense.
1. They ________ (not/finish) their homework by the time we _____ (get) home.
2. The team _______ (win) the competition last year because all team members _______ (work) hard for 6 months.
3. I _______ (prepare) for the test when my friend ______ (call) me.
4. She _______ (eat) her breakfast and ______ (go) to work.
5. By the time Tom ______ (reach) the station, the train _________ (depart).
6. I ______ (mop) the floor when I ______ (hear) the news.
7. They ______ (not/meet) Jack last week.
8. Sue ______ (wait) for 30 minutes before she ______ (leave).
9. We _________ (cook) dinner while the children ______ (watch) cartoons.
10. He _________ (not/sleep) when they ______ (come) back home.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. They hadn't finished their homework by the time we got home.

2. The team won the competition last year because all the team members had been working hard for 6 months.

3. I was preparing for the test when my friend called me.

4. She ate her breakfast and went to work.

5. By the time Tom reached the station, the train had departed.

6. I was mopping the floor when I heard the news.

7. They didn't meet Jack last week.

8. Sue had been waiting for 30 minutes before she left.

9. We were cooking dinner while the children were watching cartoons.

10. He wasn't sleeping when they came back home.

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