Помогите пожалуйста раскрыть скобки Use the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.
1. You (to be) to London? - Yes, I (to go) there last year, and (to stay) for a week.
2. Thank you for the book, I (to read) it. - Well, you (to enjoy) it?
3. He (to tell) me all about it in the cafeteria today.
4 'I suppose you are hungry, and tired after your long flight" "Not at all, I (to eat) a good meal on the plane. And I also (to sleep) a little there"
5. "You (to see) Nora lately?? "I (to meet) her in Madison Square Park. I must say she (to change) very much.
6. In many of the novels that Dickens (to write) he (to describe) his own childhood.
7. I think I (to see) this picture already. Oh, yes, I (to see) it in Peter's house.
8. During my holiday I (to go) to the Black sea. - You (to stay) there long? - Well, I (to fly) there and back, so the journey took me just a few hours, and I (to spend) a week there.
9. We (to get) up rather early, (to have) breakfast and (to make) a walking tour of the town.
10. Where is the milk? - I think the cat (to drink) all the milk that you (to buy) in the morning.


Ответ дал: mathematics23444


1. Have you been to London? Yes, I went, stayed

2. I read, did you enjoy

3. told

4. I ate, slept

5. Did you see, I have met

6. wrote, describe

7. Have seen, I saw

8. I went, did you stay

9. have got, have, made

10. have drunk, bought


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