(Закончите предложения, исполуьзуя форму Past Parfect)
Kevin (go) _________home by the time I arrived.
Ethan suddenly realised that he (leave) __________-his laptop on the train.
Mum was annoyed because I (not clean)_____________ my room.
(they / study) ________________English before they went to the USA?
We were hungry because we (not eat)_______________.
My phone didn't work because I (not charge) ___________________it.
Why didn't you want to watch the film? (you / see)_________________ it before?
Sally was embarrassed because she (forget) ___________________her dad's birthday.


Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. Kevin had gone home by the time I arrived.
  2. Ethan suddenly realised that he had left his laptop on the train.
  3. Mum was annoyed because I hadn't cleaned my room.
  4. Had they studied English before they went to the USA?
  5. We were hungry because we hadn't eaten.
  6. My phone didn't work because I hadn't charged it.
  7. Why didn't you want to watch the film? Had you seen it before?
  8. Sally was embarrassed because she had forgotten her dad's birthday.

Аноним: ловжчхжябя
Аноним: кбвб
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