Look for a mistake in each sentence .Underline the mistake and correct it/ Перевод Ищите ошибки в каждом предложении. Подчеркнуть ошибку и исправить ее.

1. The cat is often sleeping on my bed ----->often sleeps (пример)2. We paint our house at the moment.------> .........3. What you carry in your rucksack ?-------->...........4. The departmen store is always opening at 8 30:  .--------->.......5. The're happy because their team is wining------->........6.  Mum makes lasagne for dinner this evening------>......7.I'm not  having any fish because i'm not liking it.------>......8. It's raining a lot of here in the winter , but we don't often get snow----->.....


Ответ дал: Аноним
2. We are painting our house at the moment.
3. What are you carrying in your rucksack?
4. The department store always opens at 8.30.
5. They're happy because their team won.
6. Mum is making lasagna for dinner this evening.
7. I don't have any fish because I don't like it.
8. It rains a lot here in winter, but we don't often get a snow.
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