2. Choose the correct item.
1. Dan has got a poster ____ the wall.
a) in b) in front of c) on
2. Mike’s a good student. He’s very _____
a) polite b) clever c) lazy
3. I am here! Look at ____
a) you b) me c) he
4. There ____ paintings in the bedroom.
a) are b) is c) don’t
5. Sara _____ play the piano. She’s a good musician.
a) is b) isn’t c) can
6. Tim is a baby. He’s small. The baby ____ walk yet.
a) can’t b) can c) is
(6 points)


Ответ дал: asembagdat2


I have got a desk in my bedroom.

Dan has got a poster on the wall.

The desk is behind the bed.

There's a lamp on  the desk.

His bed is next to the window.

Mary's trainers are under the bed.

The sofa is in front of the fireplace.


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