Помогите please,I don't know как это делать



Ответ дал: GordeyGavrilov



1. I go to bed at ten oclock every day. I went to bed at ten oclock yesterday.

2. I don't go to school every day. I didn't go to school yesterday.

3.Do you watch TV every day? Did you watch TV yesterday?

4. Whendo you leave home for work every day? When did you leave home for work yesterday?

5.My brother goes to work every day. He left home at eight oclock. His office is near our house and he walks there. He don't take a bus. Yesterday he didin't go to work. Yesterday he got up at nine oclock.

6. Did you have time yeasterday? - No, I didn't

7.What did you buy at the shop yesterday? - I bought a book

Я устал писать полные предложения

8.didn't read; he was

9.how often do you visit...

10.don't have; spend


12.they was; the are

13.do you happy...

14. I like; i often do what they want

15.when is your birthday?

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