Упражнение 1. Fill in the words to form questions.

did, are, do, have, was, haven't, is, isn't

1. What types of books ______ you like to read?
2. _____ she reading love story or an adventure story?
3. ______ you seen «Titanic»?
4. Who _____ watching TV at eight o'clock last night?
5. It's an exciting book, ________ it?
6. _____ you going to watch a romantic film or a musical?
7. You have seen this film, _______ you.
8. _____ you go to the cinema last night?ъ


Ответ дал: Decoration

1. What types of books do you like to read?

2. Is  she reading love story or an adventure story?

3. Have you seen «Titanic»?

4. Who was watching TV at eight o'clock last night?

5. It's an exciting book, isn't it?

6. Are you going to watch a romantic film or a musical?

7. You have seen this film, haven't you?

8. Did you go to the cinema last night?

1. Какие книги вы любите читать?

2. Читает ли она любовную историю или приключенческий рассказ?

3. Вы видели "Титаник"?

4. Кто смотрел телевизор вчера в восемь вечера?

5. Это захватывающая книга, не так ли?

6. Вы собираетесь смотреть романтический фильм или мюзикл?

7. Вы видели этот фильм, не так ли?

8. Ты ходил вчера в кино?

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