№ 2 Put the verbs in brackets in the Future Simple or the correct form of be going to, Future Continuous or the Future perfect (записать предложения полностью)
1. 1) I_____(do) my homework tomorrow.
2. 2) Look at the traffic. I______(be) late for work again.
3. 3) This time next week I______(watch) the show.
4. 4) I’m hungry. I think______(have) a cake.
5. 5) I ______(cook) breakfast by 8 o’clock.
6. 6) I______(buy) a dress.


Ответ дал: rctybz121200


1. I will do my homework tomorrow.

2. Look at the traffic. I am going to be late for work again.

3. This time next week, I will be watching the show.

4. I'm hungry. I think, I will have a cake.

5. I will have cooked breakfast by 8 o'clock.

6. I am going to buy a dress.

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