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Ex. 2 Future tenses.
1.Stop! There's no point in rushing now. We ________ (miss) the train anyway.
2.Well, I like the dress, I think I _______ (buy) it.
3.The play ______________ (start) by four o'clock tomorrow.
4.I _________ (work) for five hours by this afternoon.
5.Is he OK? He looks like he ________________(faint).
6.She understands that her dad _______________ (not/like) this, doesn’t she?
7.I ________________ (cook) dinner this evening - as usual.
8.She _______________ (buy) a new car by the next year.
9.Don't worry. The shops _________ (not close) until eight o'clock tonight.


Ответ дал: imblind


1. Stop! There's no point in rushing now. We are going to miss the train anyway.

2. Well, I like the dress, I think I will buy it.

3. The play will have already started by four o'clock tomorrow.

4. I will have worked for five hours by this afternoon.

5. Is he OK? He looks like he is going to faint.

6. She understands that her dad isn't going to like this, doesn’t she?

7. I'm cooking dinner this evening - as usual.

8. She will have bought a new car by the next year.

9. Don't worry. The shops don't close until eight o'clock tonight.

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