• Предмет: Химия
  • Автор: missliz20077
  • Вопрос задан 1 год назад

9. Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs, comparative or superlative.
1) Our father arrived home later than the rest of the family. (late)
2) My sister sang_____than Kanykey did. (beautiful)
3) My student, Shyldyz, wrote______ of all.(well)
4)Mrs. White speaks______than Mr. Thompson.(clearly)
5) My mother cooks turkey______than my father does.(well)
6) Alexander and Peter work______of all boys.(hard)
7) This time he checked his answers________than he did before.(carefully)
8) Ainura speaks French________of all the students.(correctly)
9) I did my homework_______than my brother.(fast)

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missliz20077: случайно нажала на химию


Ответ дал: shokezkr

1. later

2. more beautiful

3. the best

4. more clearly

5. better

6. the hardest

7. more carefully

8. the most correctly

9. faster

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