Put the worlds in the correct order and write full sentences
Нужно переставить слова в правильном порядке
1 Comics/do/read/ how often/you?
2 watch/every/we/the nine o'clock news/night
3 goes/Katie/to/late/always/bed
4 the radio/your/listen/does/friend/to?
5 every/day/buy/He/magazines/doesn't
6 at/I/have/never/breakfast/school


Ответ дал: katevrusanova


Могу помочь только с 1

1)How often do you read comics

Сорри :(

ainur532: Спасибо все равно)
katevrusanova: незачто)
Ответ дал: nyushaaleksanddrrovn

Ответ:How often do you read comics

We watch the nine o'clock news every night

Katie always goes to bed late

Does your friend listen to the radio

He doesn't buy magazines every day

I never have breakfast at school


ainur532: Спасибо :)
nyushaaleksanddrrovn: Пожалуйста
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