Задание 9 She ______ twenty points for the match.
1) took 2) has taken 3) have taken
Задание 10 That's amazing! She ______ fifteen kilometers this morning!
1) ran 2) has run 3) have run
Задание 11 We _______ all the Champions League matches this season.
1) watched 2) has watched 3) have watched
Задание 12 Dad, you _______ my biscuit!
1) ate 2) has eaten 3) have eaten
Задание 13 Hurry up! They ______ the film!
started 2) has started 3) have started


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

Has taken

Has run

Have watched

Have eaten

Have started

Ответ дал: KatMara

9 has taken 10 has run 11 have watched 12 have eaten 13 have started

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