• Предмет: Музыка
  • Автор: Аноним
  • Вопрос задан 2 года назад

1- topshiriq. Tayanch soʻzlardan foydalanib, „Ta’til taassu-
rotlari" mavzusida gaplar tuzing.
Rasm asosida tayanch soʻzlar: ta'tilda, dam olmoq, yordam
bermoq, birgalikda, tog', qishloq, o'yinlar, chana, chang'i, toza
havo, manzara.​



Ответ дал: kuraevadiana7012

Ответe:ither that i recently returned from vacation. the largest country is russia. the main city of germany is berlin. the best resort city in russia sochi

ither that Today my father was given a vacation at work.My parents and I decided to fly to another country for a vacation.My parents could not find a suitable city for a long time,but my father had relatives there and decided to settle with them.


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