Complete the sentences with the past
simple form of the verbs in brackets. Are the
sentences true (T) or false (F).
1 Roman children played_board games
similar to games we play today (play)
2 The ancient Chinese skuduyd. the Sun,
3 In 1969 the world
Armstrong walk on the Moon. (watch)
4 Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
on the Moon for about 20 hours. (stay)
5 Christopher Columbus
in the
Bahamas in 1692. (arrive)
6 Columbus
to go to India, not
America. (plan)
7 Barack Obama
his bedroom
every day when he was a child. (tidy)
8 The Vikings
America in about
the year 1000. (discover)


Ответ дал: ctz3ccx3jm
Watched; stayed; arrived; planned;tidied; discovered

garifollakyzy21: Это правильно?
oralasel08: не понятно
vatsurojul: Это правильно
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