С Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Use ask, advise, agree, refuse, complain, promise. 1. "Don't phone Liz now," he said. 2. "Will you help me?" she asked. "Never," he said. 3. "Would you like some juice?" Bill asked. "Yes, please," Lisa said. 4. "May I give you some advice?" he said to the woman. 5. "I have a toothache," the girl cried. 6. "Of course I'll lend you the money," her brother said to her. 7. "I'll do my best to come back by 10 o'clock," Wendy said to her mother.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. He asked me not to phone Liz
She asked him to help her and he refused.
Bill asked if she wanted some juice and she agreed.
4. He offered the woman some advice.
5. The girl
complained of a toothache.
6. Her brother promissed to give her the money.
Wendy promissed her mother to do her best to come back by 10 o'clock.

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