помогите пожалуйста 9 класс​


annananas893: так.. а что за книга-то?..
Kolyanfjjk: да там любую
annananas893: понятно. Если тебе вообще без разницы, то я буду описывать "Мёртвые души" Гоголя
Kolyanfjjk: хорошо,спасибо
annananas893: кстати, это какой класс? Понимаешь, Мёртвые души проходят в восьмом - девятом классе, так что..
Kolyanfjjk: 9 класс
annananas893: отлично


Ответ дал: annananas893

1. It is a poem

2. In the 19th century, in 1835

3. the poem was written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

4. The poem describes the life of a former official Chichikov. How he is trying to achieve a beautiful life with the help of fraud. The poem describes his relationships with people, his thoughts, difficulties. in general, chichikov is a negative character, but his life is still very interesting to watch from the reader's side

5. The main character are Chichikov, Manilov, Nozdryov, Korobochka. all the characters are very different, everyone does their own thing, everyone has their own attitude to life and Chichikov

6. I really liked the book. I want to read it again and again. The only thing that left an unpleasant feeling is that the poem ends very abruptly. Gogol did not finish it

Kolyanfjjk: спасибо большое!!!!!
annananas893: я рада помочь)
annananas893: извини, если будут какие-то ошибки. Но, надеюсь, что их нет
Kolyanfjjk: нормально))))
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