Complete these sentences about someone’s day at work, using the Past Simple or thePast Continuousforms of the verbs in brackets2.1.While I was travelling(travel) to work, I got(get) stuck in traffic jam.2.When I _____ (arrive) at work, my boss _____ (speak) to someone on the phone.3.At 11 a.m., I ____ (do) some work when the boss ____ (ask) to see me.4.While I ___(talk) to my boss, his phone ___(ring) several times.
5.When I ____ (come) out of the boss’s office, people ____ (not work), they _____ (look) at me.6.At 1 o’clock, I ____ (stop) work and I _____ (go) for lunch.7.While I ___(eat) my lunch, a colleague ___(come) to my table.8.While we ____ (sit) together, he ____ (ask) me a question.9.He asked me: ‘What ____ (the boss/talk) about while you ___ (sit) in his office?’10.I said: ‘When I ___ (go) into his office, I ____ (feel) nervous, but he ____ (smile).11.While we ___(talk), he ____ (offer) me a much better job’


Ответ дал: galina572319


1.  While I was travelling to work, I got stuck in a traffic jam.

2. When I arrived at work, my boss was speaking to someone on the phone.

3. At 11 a.m., I was doing some work when the boss asked to see me.

4. While I was talking to my boss, his phone rang several times.

5. When I came out of the boss’s office, people weren’t working, they were looking at me.

6. At 1 o’clock, I stopped working, and I went for lunch.

7. While I was eating my lunch, a colleague came to my table.

8. While we were sitting together, he asked me a question.

9. He asked me: “What was the boss talking about while you were sitting  in his office?”

10. I said: “When I was going into his office, I felt nervous, but he was smiling.

11. While we were talking, he offered me a much better job.”


1. Пока я ехал на работу, я застрял в пробке.

2. Когда я пришел на работу, мой босс разговаривал с кем-то по телефону.

3. В 11 часов утра я выполнял кое-какую работу, когда босс попросил меня придти.

4. Пока я разговаривал со своим боссом, его телефон звонил несколько раз.

5. Когда я вышел из кабинета босса, люди не работали, они смотрели на меня.

6. В час я перестал работать и пошёл на обед.

7. Пока я обедал, к моему столику подошел коллега.

8. Пока мы сидели вместе, он задал мне вопрос.

9. Он спросил меня: “О чем говорил босс, пока вы сидели в его кабинете?”

10. Я сказал: “Когда я входил в его кабинет, я нервничал, но он улыбался.

11. Пока мы разговаривали, он предложил мне гораздо лучшую работу.”

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