1. Рас­крой­те скоб­ки:

- If only I ________ (train) hard for the race. – Well, you can compete again next year.

- I wish I _________ (not to give) George the money.

- I wish Bill _________ (tell) us yesterday why he was so sad.

- I wish you _________ (take off) your dirty boots at the door. Now, I have to clean it all.

- I wish I _________ (put on) my heavy coat. I feel really cold now.


Ответ дал: trooth11

Ответ: 1. Не знаю

2. I wish i cant give George the money

3. I wish Bill said us yesterday why he was so sad.

4. I wish you cant take your dirty boots..


Ответ дал: Morandu


- If only I had trained hard for the race. – Well, you can compete again next year.

- I wish I had not given George the money.

- I wish Bill had told us yesterday why he was so sad.

- I wish you had taken off your dirty boots at the door. Now, I have to clean it all.

- I wish I had put on my heavy coat. I feel really cold now.


I wish / If only = сожалеем о чем-то.

Если сожалеем о прошлом, то используем had + v3

v3 - это третья форма глагола (trained, given, told, taken)

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