GRAMMAR. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Present Simple).
Введите свой текст здесь.
1. After dinner Harry and his friends usually ............ (to meet) in the common room. *
3 балла
2. My perfect day ......... (to start) at 9 o'clock with a big breakfast. *
3 балла
3. How often ......... (your parents, to go) to the cinema? *
3 балла
4. In the afternoon we ......... (to play) football. *
3 балла
5. Jack and Frank ......... (to meet) once a week.
3 балла
6. What time ......... (he, to leave) for school on Mondays?
3 балла
7. Jim ......... (not, to play) the guitar.
3 балла
8. What......... (your Mom, to like) to watch on TV?
3 балла


Ответ дал: imblind


1. meet

2. starts

3. do your parents go

4. play

5. meet

6. does he leave

7. doesn't play

8. does your Mom like

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