Тест по английскому языку. Правильно вставьте слова. Помогите пж.
1. I often __________ basketball. *
1 балл
is playing
has played
2. I _______ it in the bookcase yesterday.
1 балл
was finding
3. I ______ when you rang me up.
1 балл
was reading
are reading
4. He _________ from the University next year.
1 балл
will be graduating
wil graduate
will have graduated
5. They ___________ this question when we came in.
1 балл
are discussing
were discussing
6. Take the umbrella. It ________ outside.
1 балл
is raining
7. The film __________ in 5 minutes.
1 балл
is begining
will begin
Вариант 1
8. When I came home my sister __________ for two hours.
1 балл
was sleeping
had slept
had been sleeping
9. I am here for an hour. Where __________?
1 балл
have you been
were you
had you been
10. While the man (repair) my TV, his son (play) with the tools.
1 балл
was repairing was playing
repaired played
was repairing played
11. I _________ to the seaside as soon as my son takes his last exam.
1 балл
will go
12. Don't worry. I (phone) you when he (come) .
1 балл
phone comes
phoned came
will phone comes
13. Where ______you____________ last Sunday?
1 балл
did go
have gone
do go
14. You _________ always _________ about your hobby!
1 балл
did talk
are talking
have talked
15. I ______________ him for a long time.
1 балл
have known
have been knowing
16. I _____ my grandma next year.
1 балл
will have visited
will visit
will be visiting
17. I ___________ when I heard a scream..
1 балл
is reading
was reading
18. What’s the matter? Why_____ the child _______?
1 балл
did cry
is crying
has cried
19. He ______ my letter yet.
1 балл
did not answer
does not answer
has not answered
20. We always ____________ abroad for our holidays
1 балл
are going
21. Perhaps I _______ a good job.
1 балл
will have
22. How long_____you______ here?
1 балл
have been
have been being
are being
23. As I (swim) , it (start) to rain.
1 балл
swam started
will swim it will start
was swimming started
24. They __________ breakfast at the moment.
1 балл
are having
will have
25. Jane ___________ flowers for three hours.
1 балл
has been planting
has planted
is planting


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. play

2. found

3. was reading

4. will graduate

5. were discussing

6. is raining

7. begins

8. had been sleeping

9. have you been

10. was repairing was playing

11. will go

12. will phone ...comes

13. did go

14. are talking

15. have known

16. will visit

17. was reading

18. is crying

19. has not answered

20. go

21. will have

22. have been

23. was swimming started

24. are having

25. has been planting

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