Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect
1. We (learn) many new words in this course.
2. I (hear) that story before.
3. My daughter (see) this film three times.
4. I (tell) John what you said.
5. My friend (return) my book at last.
6. Mary says that she (lose) her new pocket-book.
7. Tom (tell) his parents all about his travel.
8. I never (be) to London.
9. …you (finish) your homework?
10. George (be) the best student in the class.


Ответ дал: twixxsci


1. We have learned many new words in this course.

2. I have heard that story before.

3. My daughter has seen this film three times.

4. I have told John what you said.

5. My friend has returned my book at last.

6. Mary says that she has lost her new pocket-book.

7. Tom has told his parents all about his travel.

8. I have never been to London.

9.Have you finished your homework?

10. George has been the best student in the class.

Ответ дал: helperknowlege


We have learned many new words in this course.

I've heard that story before.

My daughter has sawn this film three times.

I've told John what you said.

Дальше только в скобках

has returned

has lost

hasnt said

have been

Have you finished

has been


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