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Ответ дал: redtwix


According to GOST, paper is called " a material with a mass of up to 250 g per square meter, consisting mainly of plant fibers connected by surface adhesion forces, which may contain sizing agents, mineral fillers, chemical and natural fibers, pigments and dyes."

Paper is a material that is produced by the technology of deposition of fibers of vegetable, synthetic, mineral or other origin on forming machines. The properties of the material depend on the composition and characteristics of the technological cycle. Depending on the purpose, the paper can belong to one of the following types: for printing (coated paper, offset paper, for printing houses, document production, etc.). Its properties make it easier to apply graphic and text information manually or using automatic equipment. Printing paper can be of different colors, thicknesses, densities, and textures. For drawing/drawing, handwritten texts. It has good absorbent properties, a dense and rough surface. Decorative. It is used for packaging, for example, gifts, decoration of various surfaces and objects. Electrical engineering. From such paper perform gaskets-seals, and also use it as an insulator. Photosensitive. It is used for developing and copying images. Cigarette box. Used according to the name. Provides low intensity and uniformity of smouldering. Absorbent. It is in demand in the medical industry, as well as for the manufacture of various filters. Household. This category includes the basics for making napkins, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. there Are other special types of paper. In General, all these materials combine thickness and density parameters-a maximum of 0.5 mm and 250 g / m, respectively. The more dense and thick products belong to the category of cardboard.

The raw material for the manufacture of various semi-finished products is wood of nine main species used in various proportions: spruce, pine, fir, alder, larch, poplar, birch, aspen, beech. Along with these species, less wood is also used in eucalyptus, chestnut, Linden, oak, maple and other species. These raw materials are divided into two groups: coniferous and deciduous wood. These differences determine the differences in the properties of the fibers of the corresponding semi-finished products.


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