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Task 2 Grammar. Rewrite the sentences into Present Perfect and Past Perfect Passive
1. I had been reading an article.
2. I had not closed the window. 3. We have cycled five miles
4. She had not noticed me.
5. Hadshe solved the problem? 6. Had he recorded that song? 7. Joe had cieaned the tables 8. We have not agreed to this issue
9. They had started a fight.
10.I had worn hlue shoes​


Ответ дал: temyrlanusenov03



1. An article I had been read

2. The window I had not close

3. Five miles we had cycle

4. Me she had not notice

5. The problem she had solve

6. That song he had record

7. The tables Joe had clean

8. This issue we had not agreed to

9. A fight they had start

10. Hlue shoes I had worn

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