Ex. 10. (В, C) Open the brackets, using the correct form in the Passive Voice.
1. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination. 2. This copy (not read). The pages (not
cut). 3. Why the car (not lock) or (put) into the garage? 4. I’m not wearing my black shoes
today. They (mend). 5. This room (use) only on special occasions. 6. Bicycles must not
(leave) in the hall. 7. He was taken to hospital this afternoon, and (operate on) tomorrow
morning. 8. The damaged buildings (reconstruct) now, the reconstruction (finish) by the end
of the year. 9. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month. 10. She heard footsteps, she
thought she (follow). 11. Normally this street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday. 12. She is very selfish* she (spoil) by her parents.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. Dictionaries may not be used at the examination.

2. This copy hasn't been read. The pages haven't been cut.

3. Why hasn't the car been locked or put into the garage?

4. I’m not wearing my black shoes today. They are being mended.

5. This room is used only on special occasions.

6. Bicycles must not be left in the hall.

7. He was taken to hospital this afternoon, and would be operated on tomorrow morning.

8. The damaged buildings are being reconstructed now, the reconstruction     will have been finished by the end of the year.

9. The paintings will be exhibited till the end of the month.

10. She heard footsteps, she thought she was followed.

11. Normally this street is swept every day, but it wasn't swept yesterday.

12. She is very selfish, she has been spoilt by her parents.


1. Словари не могут использоваться на экзамене.

2. Эта копия не была прочитана. Страницы не разрезаны.

3. Почему машина не была заперта или поставлена в гараж?

4. Сегодня я не надену свои черные туфли. Они в починке.

5. Эта комната используется только в особых случаях.

6. Велосипеды нельзя оставлять в холле.

7. Сегодня днем его доставили в больницу, и завтра утром его прооперируют.

8. Поврежденные здания сейчас реконструируются, реконструкция будет завершена к концу года.

9. Картины будут выставлены до конца месяца.

10. Она услышала шаги, ей показалось, что за ней следят.

11. Обычно эту улицу подметают каждый день, но вчера её не подметали.

12. Она очень эгоистична, ее избаловали родители.

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