Use the appropriate forms of the words to complete the text.
1. BUILD; 2. FILL; 3. COST; 4. EARLY; 5. LITTLE; 6. BECOME; 7. WORK; 8. MAKE; 9. USE; 10. USE.

When computers 1. ____ in the 1950s, they were huge. They 2. ____ entire rooms and 3. ____ millions of dollars. The 4. ____ computers solved 5. ____ than a thousand problems each second. Since then, computers 6. ____ smaller, cheaper and faster. Today the world's fastest computers can solve a hundred million problems in a second. Scientists 7. ____ nowadays to make them even faster and the computers 8. ____ smaller and smaller. When computers were big and expensive, they 9. ____ obly for very special purposes, now they 10. ____ in many different ways.


Ответ дал: mp258039


1. made

2. filled

3. cost

4. early

5. little

6. became

7. worked

8. built

9. used

10. used


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