Напишите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
1.If I see Tom, I…………………….( tell) him you called.
2.When you heat ice, it………….…..(melt).
3.When you………………(run) fast, you get tired.
4.If you go to the party, you ………..……..(have) a good time.
5.If he isn’t tired, he………..…...(cook) supper.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1.If I see Tom, I………will tell…………….( tell) him you called.

2.When you heat ice, it……melts…….…..(melt).

3.When you…………run……(run) fast, you get tired.

4.If you go to the party, you …will have……..……..(have) a good time.

5.If he isn’t tired, he……will cook…..…...(cook) supper.

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