Now do the test:

1. Mary met Jim at the train station. He ... for his business partner to arrive from NY.
a) had waited b) had been waiting c) was waiting d) waited

2. When he was young he ... to Italy every winter, but now he has to go to England with his family.
a) would go b) had gone c) went d) had been going

3. In 1939 the Second World War ... .
a) had started b) started c) was starting d) had been starting
4. Her grandfather died last Monday. He ... from cancer for more than a year.

a) was suffered b) suffered c) had suffered d) had been suffering

5. She ... a bath when somebody knocked on her door.
a) had b) was having c) had had d)had been having

6. Their friends ... their last winter holiday in Barcelona.
a) was spending b) had been spending c) had spent d) spent

7. At three o’clock yesterday afternoon they ... at an outdoor café.
a) sat b) were sitting c) had been sitting d) had sitted

8. First, he ... the message. Then, he ... his boss to inform him about the accident.
a) read / called b) was reading / called c) read / was calling
d) was reading / was calling

9. John looked tired this morning. He ... all night long.
a) had been studying b) had studied c) was studying d) studied

10. Her mother ... the window when it ... to rain.
a) cleaned / started b) had been cleaning / started c) were cleaning / started
d) cleaned / were starting

11. Larry ... a car, while he ... the guitar.
a) was driving / played b) drove / played c) was driving / was playing
d) drove / had played

12. He ... when he ... on a banana skin.
a) walked / slipped b) was walking / slipped c) has been walking / slipped
d) was walking / had slipped

13. Jennifer Aniston ... in a number of successful films.
a) had starred b) had been starring c) was starring d) starred

14. Claire was so excited. She ... an important contract.
a) was signing b) has been signing c) had signed d) signed


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Mary met Jim at the train station. He ... for his business partner to arrive from NY.

c) was waiting

2. When he was young he ... to Italy every winter, but now he has to go to England with his family.

a) would go

3. In 1939 the Second World War ... .

b) started

4. Her grandfather died last Monday. He ... from cancer for more than a year.

d) had been suffering

5. She ... a bath when somebody knocked on her door.

b) was having

6. Their friends ... their last winter holiday in Barcelona.

d) spent

7. At three o’clock yesterday afternoon they ... at an outdoor café.

b) were sitting

8. First, he ... the message. Then, he ... his boss to inform him about the accident.

a) read / called

9. John looked tired this morning. He ... all night long.

a) had been studying

10. They ... the window when it ... to rain.

c) were cleaning / started

11. Larry ... a car, while he ... the guitar.

c) was driving / was playing

12. He ... when he ... on a banana skin.

b) was walking / slipped

13. Jennifer Aniston ... in a number of successful films.

d) starred

14. Claire was so excited. She ... an important contract.

c) had signed

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