1. Choose the correct answer.
1. I.... a student.
a) Is
b) Are
c) Am
d) Aren't
2. Dazy
work in factory. She is a doctor
a) don't
b) doesn't
c) aren't
d) do not
3.... you like reading books?
a) did
b) do
c) are
d) is
4. My
sister a shower every morning
a) takes
b) take
c) took
d) taken
5. Every Sunday they to the cinema.
a) to go
b) go
c) goes
d) doing
6. The Sun in the East.
a) to rise
b) nising
c) rises
d) nised​


Ответ дал: LeoGreen2020

1 c: am

2 b: doesn't

3 b: do

4 a: takes

5 b: go

6 c: rises

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