Ответьте на вопросы про русский язык.
The name of my language — ...
It is the official language of (names of the countries) — ...
How many people speak it as a first language — ...
People understand it in (names of the countries) — ...
How many people speak it as a second language? — ...
The origin of my language — ...
Languages that contributed to my language — ...
English words in my language — ...
Easy things for an English person to say in my language — ...
Difficult things for an English person to say in my language — ...
Why should people learn my language? — ... 


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
The name of my language is Russian.
It is the official language of Russian Federation, Belarussia, Kazahstan, Kyrgizstan
Over 145 million people speak Russian as a first language .
People understand Russian in Lithania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukrain, Poland, Azerbajdjan, Armenia, Tajikistan.
Over 100 million people speak Russian as a second language
The origin of my language is Romanian languages.
Languages that contributed to my language are Latin, Greek, English, Geman
English words in my language are the following: computer, notebook, reception, user, looser, laptop
Easy things for an English person to say in my language are the following: sputnik, babushka, mama, papa
Difficult things for an English person to say in my language are the following: balalajka, perestrojka.
People should learn Russian because there are  literature masterpieces written in Russian, that all people must read in original (such as "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky)

Аноним: Беларусь пишется "Belarus" ;) не в обиду, просто, чтобы потом не делали ошибок ;)
CherryTheSweet: у вас ошибок выше крыши тоже. не в обиду
Аноним: было глупо нажимать "нарушение". я же ведь так не поступаю. я ничего не имею против твоего ответа - всё замечательно написано. просто хотела помочь.
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