нужно приготовить устное высказывание 6-10 предложений What matters in a person? Do clothes and looks matter?(Что важно в человеке? Имеют ли значение одежда и внешний вид?)НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ!!


Ответ дал: Zumradik


a person is important both in appearance and in mind. If you are smart, but not beautiful, then you will not be interested in anyone, as they say, do not judge a book by its cover. But not everyone understands or does it. And if you are beautiful, but not smart, then maybe someone will pay attention, but not for long. They will immediately understand that something is wrong with you, and then they will understand that you are stupid and will not deal with you. So for a person you need to be both smart and beautiful. Don't be lazy. you have to fight and take care of yourself.

Объяснение: воля как тебе ?м пожалюста поставь хотябы 4 звезды плиз

kashentseva90: спасибо!
Zumradik: :)
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