Join the sentences using the relative pronoun/ adverb in brackets. Make any other necessary changes. 1 We just met Dr Jones. He has written a book on multiple intelligences. (who) 2 This is the IT building. Professor Harris is working on impartant research there. (where) 3 Kairat recommended a documentary. It was very informative. (which/that) 4 1983 was the year. Howard Gardner's book was published then. (when) 5 Martha loves all sports. I understand the reason. (why) This is the new student, Anna. Her IQ is very impressive. (whose) ​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1 We just met Dr Jones who has written a book on multiple intelligences.

2 This is the IT building where Professor Harris is working on impartant research.

3 Kairat recommended a documentary which was very informative.

4 1983 was the year when Howard Gardner's book was published.

5 I understand the reason why Martha loves all sports.

6. This is the new student, Anna whose IQ is very impressive.

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