1.My parents and I live in England. _____ cottage is not big but it is very cosy. _____ roof is brown.
2.My room is nice and comfortable. _____ sofa is in front of the door.
3.My parents’ bedroom is upstairs. ______ bed is by the window.
4.My dad is in the garage now. He is washing _____ car.
пожалуйста помогите ​


Ответ дал: kei5
1. My parents and I live in England. Our cottage is not big but it is very cosy. The roof is brown. - я и мои родители живем в Англии. наш коттедж не большой, но очень уютный. крыша коричневая.

2. My room is nice and comfortable. My sofa is in front of the door. - моя комната классная и комфортная. моя кровать напротив двери.

3. My parents' bedroom is upstairs. Their bed is by the window. - спальня моих родителей на следующем этаже. их кровать у окна.

4. My dad is in the garage now. He is washing his car. - мой папа сейчас в гараже. он моет свою машину.

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