Instructions space suit breathing emergency capsule countdown oxygen fuel machine seat

Let's suppose that you've done all the training and put on your 1._____________. You take the lift up to the top of your rocket. If this was a building, your 2.________ would be on about the thirtieth floor. Get into the capsule and strap yourself into the 3._________. Now you have to spend a few hours waiting while the 4.___________ continues. The highly explosive 5.____________ and liquid 6.____________ are pumped into the rocket. This is an extremely complicated 7.__________, during the countdown a serious of minor problems will be found, checked and discussed. You read the 8._______________for what to do in an 9._______________. Inside your helmet you can hear your 10.________________ get faster.​


Ответ дал: aronovaadia


1. space suit

2. capsule

3. seat

4. countdown

5. fuel

6. oxygen

7. emergency

8. instructions

9. machine

10. breathing


насчет 9 не уверен, но думаю все правильно

ashishusbaneiji: привет.твою работу проверили?если да то модешь сказать результат?
ashishusbaneiji: ж*
arsenpacan: девятое не верно, там вместо machine должно быть emergency
kamasya200764: а все остальное?
erbolbagnur: прив
erbolbagnur: правильно?
www766: 7 и 9 поменять местами, с так всё верно
www766: спасибо!
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