The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England is the biggest part of the United Kingdom. It is more than 130 thousand square kilometers. The population of the United Kingdom is about 47 million people. The capital of England is London. London stands on the banks of the Thames. The Thames is one of the longest river in the country. There is a lot of interesting places to visit here: Big Ben, The London Zoo, The Royal Observatory. And if you are lucky you might see the Queen at Buckingham palace. People can travel by taxis (black cabs), the Tube (metro) and buses (double-deckers).
The climate of England is temperate. Everybody knows about rains in England. It rains a lot, especially in the west and in the center of England.
There are many trees and plants in England. You can find chestnuts, oaks, fir-trees and limes here. There are 10 national parks in England. Many animals live in England. They are: squirrels, foxes, hears. Also there is a lot of birds in parks and fish in lakes and rivers.
English people are very proud of 1 Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet), but England has also many other world-famous writers, such as Charles Dickens (Oliver Twist), Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland) and J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter). Many famous inventors and scientists were born in England like Isaac Newton (physicist), George Stephenson (inventor, locomotive), Charles Darwin (biologist). English inventions include the steam engine, passenger railway, the telephone, the lightbulb, the vacuum cleaner and the chocolate bar!

True or False
6 London is on the river Thames.
7 The Queen lives in the Royal Observatory.
8 People can travel only by the Tube (metro)
9 There is no a lot of rain in England.
10 Charles Darwin is the famous physicist.​

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stasiak00: По этому тексту?
alinkamalinka200790: да
stasiak00: Смотри,если можно то ты можешь начать с того,что «Место,где я бы хотел побывать это Соединённое Королевство....»Затем скажи,чем тебя зацепило оно(из текста просто бери предложения и переделывай), и закончи тем,что когда я вырасту,я возьму свою семью и полечу туда,чтоб посмотреть это прекрасное место
alinkamalinka200790: спасибо
alinkamalinka200790: хорошо


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